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The IWR believes in creating a robust internal culture of education and development of thought and wisdom, we believe in elevating proletarians to the level of, and even surpassing bourgeois knowledge.

We believe in the theory of revolutionary intercommunalism as described by Huey P Newton. We believe that the nation is dying as an economic and cultural unit, worldwide, and that with it the idea of the nation is essentially dead, despite constant attempts at resuscitation. All that remains concretely is the legal structure of the nation, while its economic structure and cultural aspects are dying or in decay. We believe embracing intercommunalist internaltionalism may be the way forward for a global revolution.

We believe Marxism, and descendent theories like world systems analysis, present the best framework for the understanding the inner workings of capitalism.

We also subscribe to enjoyment theory,  created initially by Jaques Lacan, following Freud, and developed and advanced by Slavoj Zizek, Todd Mcgowan, Alenka Zupancic, and others. We believe this theoretical framework: that of death drive and universal nonbelonging for instance; explains human behavior in areas where mainstream psychology falls short, and in ways that are deeply pertinent to questions of human nature, revolution, and building a better world.

We believe that social atomization, as discussed in texts like Robert D. Putnman's Bowling Alone is actually the greatest threat today to any political project, and that overcoming atomization is our first task in the course of winning the class struggle. The causes of disconnection include: deindustrialization, the decline of labor unions, the internet and social media, lack of quality public transit, automation, gentrification, a radically individualistic job market, destruction of small businesses, advertising, commodification of culture, commodification of homes, economic segregation, work intensification, defunding education, and a general lack of public or common spaces, the overturning of traditional structures such as church and family, without any attempt at replacement or improvement.

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